We use service design methods to create practical solutions to environmental problems. These projects are run from the UK, but connect to and learn from thinking and practice from cities and communities around the world. They look at carbon reduction and the climate crisis within the broader context of planetary boundaries and aim to address questions of biodiversity, pollution and biocultural heritage.
Our work aims to address decarbonization (abatement), climate impact mitigation (adaptation) and the building of regenerative future (transition). We are also concerned with how we balance encouraging people to engage with the seriousness of the climate crisis whilst protecting our wellbeing and mental health.
Future Briefs
We are keen to explore all elements of sustainability where design thinking and practice can make a difference.
Our ongoing work includes:
Sfera (Service Futures, empowering reflective action) is a sphere of shared learning and reflective action that incorporates play to shift the language of decarbonization and climate narratives in the converging crisis. Sferå empowers Service Designers to understand, commit and enable impactful decarbonisation amidst the converging crisis by knowing the facts, avoiding greenwash, and collectively committing to reflective actions through its learning hub, toolkit resources, workshops and podcasts. For more info contactArif Yusop
Exploring the link between mental health and wellbeing and experience of the climate crisis. (Contact us for more on work in this area)
Helping Olio develop their sharing economy service (Brief currently in development. For more on Olio see https://olioex.com/
Changing how we perceive heat in our homes (Contact Jonathan Hadlow for more on his experimental work in this area)