Panel: Manifesting Intent

30th June
1:30 pm
2:30 pm

Final Show 2022

MA 2020/2022
Design purposefully disrupts systems, and designing with intent requires profound discourse between people and organisations. So then, how do we create the right conditions to develop services that carefully tackle the issues at hand; yet can live and thrive in the real world? This event aims to offer a safe space to explore how 'intent' can be framed in a purposeful way by designers to inspire, develop, and deliver design ethically and appropriately. Joining us will be Kam Chana, Nicolas Rebolledo and Emily Boxall.
Explore themes:
Dr Nicolas Rebolledo
Tutor in Service Design, Head of Service Futures Lab, Co-Founder in Unit
Nicolás's academic and professional practice is concerned with the development and implementation of design-led service innovation processes. An architect from the Catholic University of Chile, he holds an MSc in Technology Entrepreneurship from University College London (UCL) and a PhD in Service Design from the Royal College of Art. He is the co-founder of UNIT, the strategic and service design unit behind the inception and first innovation strategy of the Laboratorio de Gobierno de Chile. He is Tutor in Service Design and Director of Xploratory, the live lab of Service Design at the Royal College of Art, a research partnership with Telefonica Alpha Health, looking at the use of AI and digital service platforms in the fields of happiness, mental health and wellbeing. He has been teaching fellow at UCL School of Management, tutor at London Business School and visiting lecturer for executive education at Imperial College Business School. He also works as an independent consultant for a diverse range of start-ups, private companies, charities, public institutions and international organisations such as IDB, OECD, British Council, VISA and Amazon.
Kam Chana
Head of Financial Experiences Lab RCA
Industry leading humanist changemaker and innovator, Kam continues to inspire and support the Financial Services community to go beyond the historic models of supplying financial products by focusing on diverse human needs alongside ethics and sustainability. Kam is driven by identifying and understanding trends and influencing the future direction of innovation. Kam is passionate about helping organisations create new value to transform financial experiences for the good of society.
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