How did this project come about and what is it about? My partner Maxpert GmbH is the leading training provider of classic, agile and hybrid project management methods and frameworks in Germany and has started the initiative Article26. The idea is to make regionally and internationally recognised skills and education accessible to disadvantaged people in developing and emerging countries, to make knowledge available that Maxpert has acquired over the past decades. Because one thing is clear, education is key to wealth, independence, autonomy and health. We live in a knowledge society and education is more important than ever, so that a reduction in the existing dependence of the global South on the global North is essential in order to to be able to develop their own country faster or prevent e.g. further refugee crises in the future.
The importance of education became clear to me personally not only during my various stays abroad and volunteering jobs in countries like India, but also through SDG4 of the 17 Sustainable Goals of the UN Agenda2030. It became evident to me that Maxpert GmbH, with its idea and vision for the future, is tackling an important problem and that I would like to contribute to the achievement of this goal through my work at the Royal College of Art. And I could best deliver the contribution by using the existing network of Maxpert GmbH and thus developing the concept of the service in Rwanda in Africa.
First of all special thanks for the efficient and trustful collaboration with my partner organisation Maxpert GmbH in Germany but also to all the stakeholders and experts for their cooperation. It was a very cooperative and reliable collaboration at all times, so that despite the often great distance and time differences, a good exchange took place - be it with GIZ and the federal ministry for international cooperation in Germany, in New York, Learntor in Nigeria and many more stakeholders. At all times, I gained important insights through interviews and was able to constantly improve the concept by experimenting with them. Overall, the exchange was characterised by trust at any time given.