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Better Borough

Creating the conditions for community involvement in a sustainable manner

MA 2024
Community involvement, Co-design, Relationships, Shared Power, Policy

In London, many local governments are working through the challenges of reduced funding, a diverse society to cater to and increasingly complex problems. Involvement of communities in the functioning of local government is becoming increasingly popular as a means to tackle these. 

  • Community involvement has many forms such as consultation, co-design, co-production and community powered approach. 
  • Services have varied levels of complexities and associated regulations. 
  • This shift requires change in processes and experiences for all the stakeholders in a borough - residents, voluntary and community sector organisations, partner organisations and different council teams

Better Borough is an approach to understand the readiness of a borough for this transition and to enable its adoption in a manner that is valuable and feasible for all. Through a relational and easily incorporated tool it: 

  • builds trust among council staff to create openness to change
  • builds an understanding of relationships between residents, voluntary and community sector organisations, partner organisations and different council teams
  • encourages small changes to pave the way for a mindset shift

This project was done in collaboration with a local council in London as a case study. While the specific insights relate to their transformation strategy which is confidential, the wider learnings and prototype can be applied to other boroughs. I'd be happy to connect if you would like to learn more about the project or explore collaboration opportunities in other local governments. 

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I want to thank all the residents, members of voluntary and community sector organisations and council staff who engaged with me to share their perspective and experience. The generosity of each person with their time was critical in enabling this project. I also want to thank my tutor Judah Armani for his faith in my capability and practice as I undertook unconventional approaches.

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