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Closing the Loop

Driving A Circular Economy through Digital Product Passports

MA 2024
Circular Economy, Digital Product Passports, EU Regulation Compliance, B2B Service, HiFi Audio Equipment

Our project aims to implement Digital Product Passports (DPPs) to support a circular economy, focusing on translating the EU Green Deal legislation into practical applications for retailers in the HiFi audio equipment industry. To achieve this, we designed a user-friendly Digital Product Passport platform for retailers, enhancing customer retention and creating new revenue opportunities while promoting sustainable practices. We facilitated seamless information exchange in the supply chain to deliver value to different stakeholders, with the overarching goal of achieving a circular economy.


We partnered with Tazaar, a tech company specialising in Digital Product Passports for the HiFi Audio Equipment industry. Tazaar provided insights on their product, currently designed for manufacturers, which we adapted to meet the needs of retailers. By deep diving into this world of HiFi and DPPs, we developed a digital platform and a strategy for its implementation.

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Understanding the law

The EU Circular Economy Action Plan mandated the implementation of Digital Product Passports for any product being imported or exported in the EU.

Our Approach

We used a top-down approach to see how this legislation can be implemented. We focused on the B2B service, as businesses need to facilitate consumer actions to close the loop and achieve a circular economy. Our process involved understanding the legislation, identifying stakeholders, finding opportunities, ensuring effective implementation under the new law, by taking a service design approach.


Retailers: A Crucial Link

Retailers are a crucial point of contact between the upstream and downstream stakeholders of the supply chain. For seamless information exchange within the entire supply chain, they need to be able to effectively continue this chain of communication. Hence, we focused on addressing the unique needs of retailers, along with regulatory compliance.

Why HiFi?

The electronics industry will be expected to adopt the Digital Product Passport framework as early as 2027. Within that, the Hi-Fi audio equipment presents itself with a great opportunity for Digital Product Passports adoption due to the fact that:

  1. They are built to last
  2. Are very expensive
  3. Have a huge second hand market
  4. They can be upgraded and repaired

research question

How Might We enable high-end audio equipment retailers and dealers
 to leverage Digital Product Passports as a service 
to integrate product traceability and foster lifelong customer engagement?

with the overarching goal of enabling a circular economy

research & insights

We developed certain insights by following an iterative research process.

Lack of Awareness

of the new DPP mandate. However, retailers see value in this standardization

Personalised Service & Customer Retention

are most crucial for retailers. 
DPPs can assist in this, by having information collated in one place

Relieve Consumer Responsibility

by ensuring that retailers register ownership & service history of products, to eliminate any data gap and foster traceability


needs to be created for retailers to implement a sustainability legislation, as it is not their main focus

Accessing Information

regarding repairability & replacement of components is a lengthy and time consuming process for retailers

Adoption Capacity

of the new service will vary according to their current way of operation


Our solution comprises a strategy to build on Tazaar’s existing product offerings to meet the needs of retailers. We have translated this into a digital platform that addresses value creation through:

Customer Retention


Revenue Opportunities

View our prototypehere

As the DPP legislation is in the early stages and is bound to keep evolving, the prototype was designed by taking into consideration certain assumptions. We designed to deliver value to our two key stakeholders: retailers and the planet.  We also speculated an ideal scenario, where the Digital Product Passport framework would be implemented, helping to achieve a circular economy.


We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our tutor Alessio Franconi for continuous guidance throughout the project and for encouraging us to push our boundaries and deliver the best possible outcome. Special thanks to our tutors Richard Atkinson and Qian Sun for their critical feedback on our approach and support in developing our practice as service designers.

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