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Seasonal Produce Choices for a Sustainable Future.

MA 2024
Sustainable lifestyle, Seasonal diet, Responsible consumption

Our project is committed to addressing global environmental challenges, particularly climate change. Our goal is to encourage 18-25-year-old students to increase their awareness and purchase of seasonal produce and develop healthy eating habits and sustainable lifestyles. We do this by empowering students to engage in fun social events, seasonal food experiences, and education.


We extend our gratitude to the London Farmers Market for offering valuable opportunities for offline market research, providing official channels for purchasing seasonal produce, and assisting FROOT in social media promotion.

We also wish to thank the cooperative farms at New Covent Garden Market for facilitating interview opportunities, and Ms. Jingyi from the Shanghai RISE Sustainable Consumption Innovation Platform for sharing her expertise in promoting sustainable consumption concepts. Her insights have enabled us to develop solutions from a more professional standpoint.

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The government has set a goal to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, with the food industry playing a significant role in this effort. How can we address these issues? Research has shown that promoting seasonal produce can reduce carbon emissions and food waste, as most seasonal produce is locally produced and can reach consumers more quickly.

Through user research and desk research, we found that the concept of seasonal produce is quite vague among young people. many also have a stereotype of seasonality, considering it to be a rather boring topic. they often confuse specific concepts and the products available in different seasons. So, what is seasonal produce?

how might we

How might we educate and engage students aged 18-25 to increase their awareness of seasonal produce and develop sustainable consumption habits?

what works?

Interactive events serve as a vital method for enhancing students' awareness of seasonal produce. Cognitive, sensory, and behavioural experiences have a substantial positive impact on students' engagement and behaviour.


Does it work?

We did this by inviting students between the ages of 18 and 25 to participate in workshop tests, prototype tests, and public events.

We got powerful feedback after these events, which validated our ideation, they understood the benefits of seasonal produce, and its impact on the environment and even began to prioritise local seasonal produce in their daily lives. Start changing their eating habits and consumption behaviour.


We have the same vision and cooperate with our key partners. Our cost is mainly concentrated on event hosting, online platform maintenance and marketing. The income mainly comes from corporate sponsorship, online advertisement and government project funding support. We are committed to achieving a win-win situation with our partners.

We aim to repeatedly emphasise the practice and awareness of seasonal produce at carious stages of this process thereby fostering a lasting lifestyle habit!

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