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Nurses' Well-being in the Burnout Society

Creating Community, One Connection At A Time!

MA 2023
Healthcare, Burnout, Well-being, Nurses, Care, Community

Coco, a transformative service for NHS nurses, addresses the mass exodus caused by burnout and poor mental health by fostering engagement and camaraderie. Acting as a bridge between physical and digital interactions, Coco weaves a tapestry of shared experiences and mutual support, creating a culture rooted in validation and belonging. By enhancing shift coordination, easing communication, and improving well-being, Coco fortifies the nursing workforce, reduces attrition rates, and ultimately improves patient outcomes, ensuring the continuity of care in the UK healthcare system.

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During the Discovery phase, I conducted in-depth interviews with key stakeholders like nurses, doctors, healthcare experts and subject matter experts focusing on addressing burnout and improving mental well-being of healthcare professionals. Delving into extensive literature reviews, I unearthed the landscape of burnout research, unveiling its profound impact on individuals and the remarkable sociological evolution that shapes how people experience and navigate this formidable challenge. The synthesis of the qualitative and quantitative data from my research led to the generation of key insights that shaped the further direction of the project.



I designed and facilitated co-creation and validation workshops with varied stakeholders like NHS nurses, nurse managers, GPs, psychologists and other healthcare professionals to uncover nurses' most pressing unmet needs and brainstorm ways to address their challenges regarding burnout and well-being. The need for camaraderie between nurses and their co-workers emerged as a recurring theme, which then became the North Star guiding the intervention.


Areas of Opportunity

Based on the learnings from the workshop, I recognized three actionable opportunity areas:

  1. Smart Matching for a Buddy System
  2. Increasing Opportunities for Engagement
  3. Facilitating Support

Design Goals

I formulated three key design goals to lay the foundation of the design intervention:

  1. Engagement: Building trust and healthy relationships by facilitating engagement
  2. Recognition: Enabling genuine recognition and celebration of nurses' efforts
  3. Community: Creating a sense of community and belonging to foster camaraderie

How Might We make engagement easier and create a sense of community for nurses that is rooted in support and recognition?


Coco is a service that weaves a tapestry of shared experiences and mutual support for nurses, bridging the gap between physical and digital interaction and fostering a culture of support, validation, and belonging. 


By enhancing shift coordination and easing communication, Coco creates a culture of camaraderie, improving the well-being of nurses. Engaged staff plummet attrition rates, fortifying the continuity of care by improving patient outcomes.


This project was made possible due to the incredible mentorship of my tutor Alex Barclay. Also grateful for the support of Emilios Lemoniatis of Frontline Buddy, UK for his help in connecting with nurses for the workshops.

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