According to the future of job report, it urges us to equip future skills, like creativity, and problem-solving skills, to avoid being replaced by the machine. The world is urging us to equip future skills, but in Hong Kong, creativity is perceived as a gap to be filled by the current education system from different stakeholders’ perspectives. From one of my interviews, a mother of 2 children shared with me a similar observation that children were born creative. Something happened in their life so their creativity dropped.
During 2 years working in the education sector under an NGO in HK, our team taught future skills to over 5000+ students from primary school to university through STEM education. My senior told me primary school students are more creative than secondary school students. I don’t believe it until I launch my first design thinking workshop. I learned they are more creative, in terms of perspective to see a problem, ways to make prototypes, etc. That makes me wonder why this happened…..