Speculative research
Some of the research was largely based on speculative methods. We took a large amount of inspiration from some of Dark Matter Labs' provocations around collaboration and the Manual of WE which gave us the foundation to build on collaborative working environments and misaligned expectations within a job role. Besides, we have utilised future signals and trend mapping with our interviews based on Xploratory's future scenarios to build up the trend tunnel for forecasting and exploring the future of work. Our strategy was to implement provocative guerrilla research to raise awareness about the problems in recruitment.
Human-centred approach
From the birth of this project, we approached this with our strong principles of clarity, participatory design and ethical rigorism. We used our personal and professional human values to conduct over 30 interviews, and prototyped with people from all across the field for a fairer, more honest outcome. We have been in contact with 5 different levels of recruitment and sizes of businesses to ensure a more unbiased creation. This is a people-first project for designing ‘with’ not ‘for’. It has impacted our design direction by truthfully understanding and realigning what organisations, recruitment and emerging talent are all neglecting.
We conducted many experiments to test the unique hiring toolkit and conduct future scenarios trend mapping with the experts and users to carry out our value of a participatory approach. Upon the soft launch of the website, we created a marketing campaign to provoke conversations. After the launch, we received encouraging feedback from users who wanted to join the community, and continued to iterate the website accordingly.