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Sleep Whisper

sleep without task & worry & standard

MA 2024
Behaviour change; Ai chatbot; Sleep anxiety

Sleep Whisper provides companionship and encouragement services through an ai chatbot.

By addressing multiple factors affecting sleep, it aims to increase the success rate of falling asleep.Help people in the early stages of sleep disorders, who have negative perceptions of their sleep, to realize and accept that their sleep patterns are personalized and influenced by multiple factors, and develop a correct understanding of their condition, find sleep methods and aids that are more suitable for their specific situation, and thus achieve a healthier life.


Regrettably, we attempted to find partners but was unable to do so, but we need to thank our friends for their testing, as well as our important information sources: Professor Matthew Walker and Dr. Zhu (TCM) for their assistance.

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😩Young people with sleep anxiety

As research shows, 46% of young people always have trouble falling asleep, and 60% believe that sleep is one of the most important factors affecting their health. 

We have found that young people's sleep problems often stem from psychological issues, primarily anxiety. 

The sources of this anxiety include not only the pressures of real life but also the pressure associated with sleep itself. This anxiety about sleep can worsen occasional sleeplessness, creating a vicious cycle of negative symptoms of varying degrees, potentially leading to severe long-term insomnia.

🧐Where anxiety comes from?

Where does the pressure about sleep itself come from? According to both primary and secondary research, we found that sleep is complex, influenced by both the biological clock and the social clock, making each person’s sleep unique. 

However, most people do not recognize this,and gradually formed an inaccurate sleep standard. This makes it difficult for individuals to accurately understand their own sleep patterns, resulting in negative emotions and an inability to find a sleep method that suits them.

🥳Anxiety relief through improved cognition

If we can enhance the understanding of sleep for those who have difficulty falling asleep, thereby helping them cope better, can their sleep anxiety be alleviated?

Guided by behavioral cognitive theory, we conducted workshops for individuals with sleep issues, which confirmed this hypothesis and got some insights:

  1. Many people view sleep as a task, which is often caused by information overload on social media.
  2. Most of them lack systemic knowledge about sleep due to the inaccessibility of information transmission. When they update their cognition on these matters, they will have a better mindset and a greater willingness to take action.
  3. People who have been facing insomnia for a long time are not suitable for the above conclusions, as they have already learned about and become experts in sleep.


🔍Current solution analysis

We then analysis the accessibility and stress of existing solutions and found that most sleep solutions focus on changing behavior directly ,the ways of mindset change are not sufficiently simple and accessible.

For example, sleep stella, although it treats insomnia through cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), is still too task-oriented and stressful

🎯Target people 

Through the selection based on social culture and personal situation, we have chosen our target group—the young who are already working (ages 23-30) and the sleep problem has not lasted long. Their insomnia is more likely caused by physical problems like stress. rather than physiological problems.

Their understanding of sleep is not expert-level and remains in a state of confusion and exploration. They need quality sleep but have limited time and money, perhaps making online services more accessible to them.


We don’t want to establish a standard for users. Instead, our goal is to help people shift their negative mindset about sleep.Based on their existing habits, people can sleep better and healthier than before.


Help users change their cognition and shift their sleep attitudes by giving tailored suggestions to meet individual sleep needs, rather than enforcing a single standard?

Provide accessible, relaxing, and personalized solutions for young workers who feel lost in sleep solutions and experience increased sleep anxiety, starting from sporadic insomnia?


🙅🏻‍♀️ No Task, No Worry, No Standard

Sleep Whisper provides companionship and encouragement services through AI chatbot. It is also equipped with game interactions to provide fun and relaxing knowledge.

😴 Personalization

It helps improve users' understanding and tolerance of sleep, analyzes individual situations, offers personalized and diverse suggestions. It aims to increase the success rate of falling asleep by addressing multiple factors affecting sleep.

🫡 Consider the Target Group's Needs and Challenges

We take into account the limited economic and time conditions of our target users and the fact that they will have the distinction between different usage scenarios during the day and at night. As information age users, they need to be assured of their information ethics, data privacy and right to know.


🤔 For our project, we explore some filed

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Applying AI Characteristics to Behavior Change Design
  • Considerations of User Positioning and Complexity: Sleep Needs, Identity and Background, Usage Scenarios
  • AI age, Behavior Change, and Medical Ethics: Data Accuracy, Security and Privacy, Informed Consent
  • Explore the relationship between service design and psychology, and investigate how services can subtly influence mindset and cognition

⁉️ Questions to think about

  • How deep is the level of personalization in our service collection and recommendations? Are the suggestions provided merely slight adjustments to basic models?
  • How do we balance our "no pressure" approach with problem-solving?If the design offers many suggestions and options, will users feel anxious? We might find that, in some cases, the service is ineffective, such as for highly sensitive users or those with high demands.

🙇🏻‍♀️We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our tutor, Richard, for his guidance and care throughout our project. His comprehensive perspective and critical thinking helped us broaden our exploration and allowed us to grow through thinking, trying, and reflecting, leading to a deeper understanding and new insights into service design itself.

🙇🏻‍♀️We also extend our thanks to Alex (Guest Lecturer, Healthcare & Service Design) for his invaluable guidance on our project. His suggestions went straight to the core issues, and his humorous yet patient communication greatly benefited us.

🙇🏻‍♀️Finally, we are grateful to all our fellow students, friends, teachers, and everyone who showed interest in our project for their suggestions and support. 

✨Hope everyone gets a good night's sleep!🌙

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