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AI-assisted tool for capturing and organizing inspiration

MA 22/23
AI Technology, Inspiration Record, Design Tool, Creativity

Inspiration is a spark that ignites the creative process. It fuels imagination, encourages exploration, and generates new perspectives.

Capturing and harnessing inspiration is a goal for many creative individuals, as it allows them to channel their ideas, thoughts, and emotions into meaningful expressions and creations. However, designers and artists, people working in creative industry are often faced with challenges during the process of capturing and utilizing inspiration, because of the nature of inspiration. Therefore, our project aims to gain a deeper understanding of the journey and hopes to create a better experience for designers to capture, organize, and utilize it.

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According to the survey, we have found some noteworthy data: 82% of people strongly recognize the importance of recording inspiration. However, only 58% attempt to establish a habit of recording. When asked about the biggest challenges they face, we received the following responses: 1) lack of systematic methods to solve problems, 2) concerns about maintaining the continuity of recording, and 3) limited time available to dedicate it.

From the survey, we found that the majority of people struggle with how to record their ideas from their minds in the most purest way possible. Many people feel that jotting down notes on paper is the closest way to capture their intuitive thoughts, but it is not convenient for storage. On the other hand, recording on a notebook for easy storage often leads to a cluttered mess due to the abundance of data, which makes it challenging to retrieve information when needed in the future.

Analysis & insights

  • There is a high necessity for quick note-taking. Most people experience fleeting moments of inspiration, and being able to quickly capture those ideas is crucial. At the same time, to quickly record random thoughts people use anything accessible at the time, which leads to inspiration scattered across different platforms and mediums: toilet paper, phones, laptops, and notebooks.
  • In the age of information overload, having excessive information input actually makes it more difficult for people to retrieve specific information when they look back to those quick notes of inspiration.
  • It is challenging to find accurate words to describe one's feelings. However, through conversation, one can articulate their thoughts more comprehensively. Also we find a certain group of people who like to text themselves when brilliant thoughts strike their mind.

Problem Statement

Sparkbot was originally designed for the problem of sorting inspirations. We have noticed that conventional products are not meeting our expectations, resulting in a delay in presenting ideas and causing a chaotic state of inspiration.

How might we redesign the original methods of recording and organising by using existing technology? So that our designers and artists can focus more on recording inspiration itself instead of doing repeating work in organising. By utilising existing technology, the redesign of inspiration sorting enhances efficiency and organisation, enabling seamless collaboration and providing personalised recommendations for designers and artists. This ultimately leads to an improvement in their creative process and productivity.


Our service aims to eliminate organising hassles, enabling users to quickly locate information by enhancing their memory or just simply doing the organising work automatically. This probably allows users to record their thoughts effortlessly and focus more on self-expression, and unrestricted imagination.

Using the conversation mode on the app, users can easily record their inspirations. And with the help of an intelligent assistant, users can manage and retrieve their inspirational notes. It allows their creativity to flow without limits.


In 2023, we have witnessed remarkable technological advancements, and discussions about AI replacing humans are widespread. However, one thing remains certain: human creativity is something that can never be replicated by AI. At the heart of creativity lies inspiration, which serves as a catalyst for our innovative ideas. Despite our progress in science, the true nature and origins of inspiration continue to elude us. It emerges spontaneously, without a clear explanation. This is precisely why it is crucial for us to seize and preserve these invaluable moments and thoughts.

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