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An AI assistant that strengthens work communication to better understand work and teams.

MA 2024
Generative AI, LLM, Work experience, Copilot, Personalization, AI Assistant, RAG

Workmate.AI is a generative AI assistant service based on company work data.

People spend 30% of their lifetime working, but according to an OECD survey, about 80% of workers experience mental stress.

Our team investigated the stress factors of these workers, and we identified the main causes. They experience excessive communication for task alignment, which leads to overtime work to complete their main tasks.

Workmate.AI helps reduce the communication burden and provides a knowledge search bot to ensure equal access to information and experience.


Kakao Enterprise is one of the 'IT Big-Tech' companies in South Korea, providing cloud computing and AI platforms. 

Kakao Enterprise provided consultation on the AI Assistant and supported the development of an actual demo bot through their AI Bot Builder. Additionally, they facilitated user interviews to help understand the context of each user, including managers, designers, and developers.



Have you thought about how much we work in our lives?

According to a research, people tend to spend one-quarter of their lifetime at work. But unfortunately, over 80% of the staff are suffering from work related stress.

Survey and interview

With this understanding, we started to listen to actual users voice.

84% of staffs reported they experienced working beyond the regular hours - particularly to address colleagues' needs. 

Through interview, we found out Product Designers in the IT Industry spend 80% of their working hours in communication and alignment.

Even though they are spending tons of time in communication, misunderstandings and the blind spots are still there.


Problem we found

The main problem we found is that inefficiencies in communication and alignment are increasing the user's workload and decreasing their job satisfaction.

Upon closer examination, the user is experiencing excessive and redundant alignment processes.

When the user informs stakeholders about their report, they are often confused about where to post it or whom to tag.

As a result, the report occasionally fails to reach the stakeholders who need it.

Additionally, users are concerned that their performance may be evaluated poorly due to a limited internal network.

Lastly, it’s challenging for the user to predict and manage various tasks because they participate in several projects simultaneously.


What's our Mission and Approach

We state our mission as HMW... help designers to collaborate with others effectively

By enhancing ways of communication and alignment.

As so, we built 3 main features.

Communication supporter helps stakeholders stay informed by linking dispersed data in various communication tools.

Knowledge Librarian expands the range of accessible resources and provides helpful information.

Lastly, Active Tracker support user with task managing. 


Workmate.AI Data Flow

This is our system map. Each company can easily connect their workdata with workmate.AI

And If users request, Workmate.AI hand over this request to AI Model without workdata. And AI model classify request and process with algorithm. 

And our product generate contents by using workdata and algorithm.

This process can secure each company’s data more safely.



I am particularly grateful to Nicolas for his practical tutorials during the IRP project. His guidance provided significant learning and direction for the project.


Qian’s teachings on understanding users during the Challenge Lab project were essential to carrying out this project. 


I also want to thank Judah, Richard, John, Federico, Carolyn and other tutors for laying the foundation through their many lectures and support.
