Allison Bajet

Final Show: 3rd - 4th February 2023
MA 2023

Creative Type: Innovator

Allison is a visionary from Silicon Valley, California with a unique blend of technical, business, and design skills and experiences from Fortune 10 companies to a start-ups. She is a true futurist, always pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Her mind is constantly envisioning what the future holds, and she is always one step ahead of the curve. Allison is a natural innovator, inspiring teams to stretch their imagination and think beyond what’s currently possible. She has a unique ability to see the world in the future, and this perspective informs her designs and services, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible today. Allison’s work is not only shaping the future, but also inspiring others to do the same. 

Growing up in a family of software engineers, Allison developed a natural curiosity for technology and innovation. She studied journalism and later transitioned to the field of business strategy and UX/UI design. Her true passion lies in the mobility space, where she has the opportunity to design for movement and improve people’s experiences.

She designs and thinks in the areas people believe are impossible, and often says “Impossible is closer than you think.”


  • 1st place' for the BP Autonomous Vehicle Design Challenge 2022 (NDA)
  • *Patent-pending * brand, product, and service undergoing contracts 2023 (NDA)
  • Honourable mention for Philips Service Design Challenge at Barcelona Design week


  • Master's Candidate: Royal College of Art, Service Design
  • Elective Class: London Business School
  • Bachelor's Degree: University of Southern California

Final Project

Welcome to SPARK, an international marketplace for microgravity research. Step into a world of simplicity and endless opportunities, where researchers, scientists, and small companies can easily connect with launch providers, space agencies, and venture capitalists. SPARK empowers you to make your mark in the future of space exploration.

WIP project 2022

Our brand name is under a strict confidentiality agreement, thus we will use ‘Sustainable Pleasures’ below to represent our company. 

Our project is under a strict confidentiality agreement with Accenture Song who wishes to push our designs from conception to company. As a result of this partnership, the brand name, concepts, designs, prototypes, research and development, business plans, marketing strategies, and other proprietary information cannot be shared in the WIP Show 2023. 

Our service and product designs, which focus on the design and development of a new type of sex toy, have expanded the notion of sexual pleasure beyond traditional norms globally. The design of [NDA – brand name] revolutionizes the way we (society) think about sex toys, sexual pleasure, and communication around sex.


SPARK - Future of in-space microgravity service

SPARK is an innovative microgravity matchmaking platform that aims to revolutionise the process of connecting researchers, scientists, and launch providers for microgravity experiments. Through our international matchmaking platform, we enable collaboration, bridge the gap between space agencies and private companies, and provide equitable access to microgravity experiments. SPARK is dedicated to accelerating scientific discoveries, breaking barriers into space, and shaping a transformative future of innovation in the field of space exploration.