Angus Bamford

Final Show: 3rd - 4th February 2023
MA 2023

As a creative and strategic thinker, my purpose, as in the words of economist Paul Romer, is to create "better recipes, not just more cooking".

My Service Design practice is about bringing together a service user's and deliverers' experience with business processes to help people achieve their goals. What powers my practice is a constant endeavour to be critical about today, curious about tomorrow, courageous in standing up for the user, calm in adversity, catalytic in change and most importantly kind.

Fields of interest:

- Human-centred technology

- Art & creative industries

- Social impact


During the Service Design MA, I have gained a deeper understanding of the discipline and have applied my learnings to various public and private sector projects. These include exploring the future of work for garment workers in the UK, creating a directory of services for prison leavers, developing a platform for eco-conscious hospitality businesses to connect with new and existing customers and finally developing a digital service for fashion early adopters to find, curate and manage their fashion style in a community of forward-thinking and ethical brands.

MA Service Design, Royal College of Art (2021-2023)

BA Arts Management, Goldsmiths, University of London (2018-2021)

Foundation in Dance Performance and Choreography, Trinity Laban / BalletBoyz (2017-2018)

Work Experience

With four years of experience in technology across social innovation, the public sector and the creative industries, I continue using design methods and systems thinking to address complex challenges and bring emerging opportunities for change to life.

CX & Service Designer Consultant, Luxury Fashion Retail / Circular Services (2023-present)

Service Designer,  PUBLIC (2022-2023)

Community, Marketing & Partnerships Executive,  Goodsted (2021-2022)

Final Project

Drip is a behaviour-changing service that enables more sustainable choices in fashion, developing people’s identity and supporting smaller, ethically focused fashion brands.

The team developed an alternative journey from current overconsumption and related environmental and personal financial consequences.

The use of smart image recognition, computer vision, and AI technology helps inspire, discover, and curate personalised fashion choices and is driven by a carefully targeted, designed, and intuitive system.

WIP project 2022

EVE is a cooperative social enterprise aiming to promote and propel sustainable practices in the hospitality sector by creating visibility of better choices and actions through our platform and putting people, planet, and purpose before profit. EVE delivers as an environmental accreditor, by recognising and running initiatives to constantly improve industry practices collectively, a digital marketplace to connect eco-conscious customers to EVE-verified businesses, and a rewards program to reinforce choices.

Our project aimed to bring environmental value into the economic and social value exchanges of a night out, to create visibility for environmentalism within nightlife, and to make sustainability mainstream and fun. As change comes from the community, we wanted to convene and empower a collaborative community to want better and lobby for change, whilst ensuring the progression to a more sustainable and ethical hospitality industry.