Bashiru Lawal-Shardow

MA 2024

Sitting at the intersection of Design, Research, and Strategy.

My practice is relational, relying heavily on the ability to speak the languages and adapt to the contexts of the people I design with.

A Product Manager by profession, a photographer and writer by passion, I am innately driven to ask why, regardless of the context.

I live to design, research, and strategise in bold and audacious ways, with a focus on the mechanisms that empower people to self-direct.

Community and Creativity.

Challenging the norms we've come to accept. But most importantly, beginning small, with people, and free from pragmatism.

For pragmatism will inevitably find us.

Final Project

My project aims to provoke thought through a speculative Service Design that challenges how we fund Artistic Practice in this country. It explores the meaning and representation of art and what it means to be an Artist in our current society. My research reveals that art exists both as a gift and a commodity. As a gift, art provides a medium for articulation when words fail, helps us make sense of the world, enriches us culturally, and connects us with others. As a commodity, art becomes a packaged human expression sold in the marketplace. The gift contradicts the social norm of reciprocity, while the commodity has led us to value works of Art over the work of Artists. This project intends to challenge the macro-extractive model of the Mega Gallery by creating a micro-redistributive and regenerative model. This model champions Artistic Practice and restores art's place as a gift to be enjoyed by society as a whole.

WIP project 2022