Fiona Wayne Ting Tai

Final Show: 3rd - 4th February 2023
MA 2023

Hello, I’m Fiona Tai a service designer from China. I am currently studying Service Design at Royal College of Art. 

After high school, I started studying psychology at King’s College London. During my undergraduate degree in psychology, the knowledge and theory that I learned inspired me a lot and are reflected in my design. I also completed a placement year at the National Autism Unit (NAU) in the UK, where I was able to understand and use the theory learned in my degree. It was my experience at the NAU which encouraged me to become a service designer. During this placement, I helped patients who suffered from mental illnesses. After a short period of work there, I suddenly realised that there was a great scarcity of provision of psychology aid for the public. As a result, an inspirational idea of designing services to make psychology help much more accessible sprouted, therefore inspiring me to become a service designer.

Final Project

Taiwan has a high pet population with a large pet-related product market, however, Taiwan's pet healthcare food market size is smaller than the global average. This is due to its monopoly-like market structure. Pawfect designs a service strategy to help pet healthcare food businesses to enter and engage in Taiwan, in order to maximize Taiwan's pet healthcare food market. This would finally lead to healthier pets in Taiwan.

WIP project 2022

OMO is a service that helps children spread their creativity during play. It builds a creative ecosystem connecting the community with children's creativity. 

OMO’s service is split into three stages: 1. Collect 2. Collaborate 3. Spread. The service first collects the creative artwork that children create during play. Then uses it to collaborate with other playgrounds and the communities. Lastly, it would spread this idea and connection to a wider audience, such as industries. 

Through this service we aim to encourage children’s creativity during play while using this creativity as a tool for social cohesion.