Hanyuan Xue

6 June 2022 - 12 June 2022
MA 2022

I am Chiia from RCA Service Design. 

My background is Product Design, I've worked as an Industrial Designer in an artificial intelligence company, also have some experience of volunteering works, fashion illustration, and business.

I enjoy developing the service and systems related to exploring users and broader social issues by design with subconsciousness by observing human behaviour.

For now, I am working on using service design methodology to respond to this changing world.

Focusing area: User Experience, Social Impact, Vulnerable Group, Speculative Design.

Final Project

WIP project 2022

4-GP is a service formed by four guideline packages which focus on presenting possible improvements to be applied to the existing probation system structure to reduce recalls for offenders. The main focus is on the communication gap identified through extended qualitative research with the assistance of Catch22 studio, Probation Practitioners (PP), and People on Probation (POPs).



HOMENESS is about helping the homeless problem in the UK. To rebuild lives for long-term impact to reduce re-homeless.

1.Context & Value

At the beginning, we found this issue has become extremely serious based on research about reports from government, council and universities. For example, offenders are around 50% more likely to break the law again if released without somewhere to stay.

Tackling homelessness problem can have great value for many stakeholders like thousands of homeless people, the public and the UK government. We are cutting crime, reducing drug and alcohol misuse and making our streets safer. This low-cost solution has the potential to save billions for the taxpayer and prevent thousands of people from becoming victims.

2.Early Insights

Through deep desk research, we found it is really important to get the right long-term support in place for homeless people to ensure they can rebuild their lives away from the streets and reduce the possibility of becoming re-homeless. 

3. Further Directions & Partner Invitation

We intend to conduct further research in the following three rough directions. Social community, like charities and organisations collaboration. The public facility of health, food and housing, etc.. Or practical platforms, such as platforms for action participation and homeless management.

For now, we will continue doing the research and define a specific direction to know this vulnerable group better through volunteer activities, paper and participation. We are looking for relevant partners to share our design thinking and get support to us in prototyping tests to make this project better.