Shuhei Okubo

MA 2024

Shuhei Okubo is a policy designer at the Japanese Government. He is passionate about contributing to public sector innovation by transforming organisations into adaptable, flexible, and forward-thinking entities. He adopts human-centred and systemic thinking approaches to designing strategies with stakeholders and reaching shared visions.

He received an undergraduate degree in Political Science from Waseda University in Japan, equipped with solid quantitative methodology in social science. He worked as a deputy director at Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications before pursuing MA Service Design at Royal College of Art.

Final Project

To help council staff overcome resource constraints and skill limitations while capturing opinions from a wider range of citizens more efficiently and inclusively, our solution comprises three AI-assisted touch-points (Digital assistant, Facilitator app, and Analysis dashboard) that empower local council public servants to promote inclusive community engagement by facilitating resident involvement and integrating diverse perspectives.

WIP project 2022