Xue Xia

Final Show: 3rd - 4th February 2023
MA 2023

Hi, this is Xue❄️

Xue Xia is a service and user experience designer. She has design experience in health care, automobile, smart appliances ,city planning and more. 

Design is more a way for her to get in touch with the world. And she is interested in user research and human centered design methodologies to make impactful social innovation and also exploring the role service design to shape systemic design to make a great contribution to our life.

Final Project

WIP project 2022

OMO is a service that helps children spread their creativity during play. It builds a creative ecosystem connecting the community with children's creativity. 

OMO’s service is split into three stages: 1. Collect 2. Collaborate 3. Spread. The service first collects the creative artwork that children create during play. Then uses it to collaborate with other playgrounds and the communities. Lastly, it would spread this idea and connection to a wider audience, such as industries. 

Through this service we aim to encourage children’s creativity during play while using this creativity as a tool for social cohesion.