Yuxuan Yang

6 June 2022 - 12 June 2022
MA 2022

I’m Yuxuan a service designer with experience in the Automotive Industry and the self-driving area. My personal experience in the past few years covered market research and business development in Mobility and innovation in Product/ Mobility design. Now my specialties are mainly focused on Autonomous driving innovation and business models ( market needs analysis). Past work experience with Car manufacturers as an automotive designer and project experience with Mobility self-driving service provider enabling me to better understand technology, user needs, and market trends in the IoT environment. ( sharing economy, carbon net zero ). My 2 RCA Master's degree background, MA Intelligent Mobility, and MA Service design allows me to bring different perspectives and marketing vision from different industries into a service.

Final Project

WIP project 2022

This project aimed at enabling an efficient transition to a future dominated by electric vehicles. We sought to understand different systems to uncover barriers that make it difficult for the UK to be prepared for EVs taking over the streets. Our problem focus was to understand how local authorities and councils are involved in the delivery of EV Charging infrastructure and the difficulties they face in doing so. The service proposition that the project culminated in was a platform to enable cross-council communication and sharing of best practices.


Artifical Trust

We offer two brief directions for our project clients to choose from, both are equally important with a different focus.

D1: Set a new standard in the Luxury sports car sector to reshape customers’ perception of the self-driving service.

In this digital era, the traditional sports car image is being challenged by innovative technologies and their implementation. These are especially prevalent in the newer generation of vehicles, and they are only going to become more so in the future lines. Some of these innovations such as the Self-driving systems are however met with high levels of skepticism, especially for the luxury sports car segment. This is due to factors such as the tradition of sports car culture, a  lack of knowledge and familiarity for self-driving,  the level of self-driving implementation, as well as a lack of trust in the self-driving systems. These are the main reasons why new customers may reject self-driving services for luxury sports vehicles. 

Direction2: Develop a new business model which focuses on innovation and redefines luxury in the digital era. 

With self-driving massive adoption is on the horizon, more and more vehicles will be launched with self-driving features. Aston Martin is a brand with multiple identities across different vehicle segments, customers group is various. Customers with traditional sports car perception may be concerned that self-driving may take away control and driving excitement from drivers, on the other hand, new generations are less fascinated by traditional sports cars and their racing culture than generations before. The definition between generations can also be different.  Thus to develop a service eco-system with different levels of customization options to satisfy the different levels of customers in order to broad brand influence and portfolio.