How we landed on 'Repurposing'
We closely interacted with 6 grassroot initiatives across London, that currently work in our area. Interviewing organisers and volunteers while also volunteering ourselves led to discovering systemic problems. From our visits to Think & Do, Company Drinks, Incredible Edible, and The Conservation Volunteers, we established that despite creating a high community engagement they still struggle to reach wider communities and we identified the barriers to entry.
We invited representatives from the above communities to join a multi-stakeholder workshop with Camden officers, food entrepreneurs and academics to see how ground knowledge could be used to inform and shape institutional interventions. We tested 5 hypotheses by using provocations, opportunity mapping and future scenario mapping and narrowed our focus area to ‘Repurposing of Land.’
Running remote sessions with a range of experts, (architects, data-scientists, land developers etc), we co-ideated on ways of providing citizens legal access to land in their neighbourhood.