How about following the 'food' to explore the world?
According to the latest figures from the United Nations Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), the total number of international tourist arrivals globally in 2023 will be around 1.3 billion, of which Europe receives around 700 million, or 54 percent of the world's total international tourist arrivals, about one third of tourist spending goes on food.The importance of food in travel has made food tourism increasingly popular.
Why Intercultural Travelers
Intercultural travelers often feel nervous and uneasy when dining in unfamiliar cultures due to differences in dining culture, language barriers, and communication challenges.
Fragmented food information makes it difficult for Intercultural travelers to plan effective culinary experiences.
Most Intercultural travelers want to experience unique local cuisines, and greater cultural differences enhance their experience.
User Problem
Even after extensive research, tourists’ food experiences are still unsatisfactory.
Intercultural travelers often come across commercialized information and find it difficult to get word-of-mouth recommendations from local markets.
Tourists’ dining experiences are often repetitive. Although there are many food options available, people usually only know and choose a few widely recommended.