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MA 2024
Sustainable food choices, Sustainability, Music Festival, Behavior Change, Raise Awareness

FoodFlip is a service design project aimed at integrating climate transparency into London’s music festivals to enhance environmental awareness and promote sustainable food choices among attendees, ultimately fostering long-term positive behavioral change.


To gain a deeper understanding of the music festival landscape, we engaged with various stakeholders in the industry, including Festival enthusiasts, Food vendors with experience in Music festivals, and Festival organizers. Through a combination of online and offline interviews, we explored their processes for participating in music festivals, their activities during events, and the challenges and pain points they face. Additionally, we sought to understand their priorities, motivations, desired improvements, and the barriers preventing greater sustainability. We also sought their feedback to validate our ideas and refine our service concept.

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Why Music Festivals?

- Over 5 millions people a year joined music festival, roughly 7% of UK population.

- These festivals generate over 23,500 tonnes of waste and 19,778 tonnes of carbon emission each year.

- UK has set a target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2050. To support this goal, live events must prioritize environmental and social sustainability in their operations, with an annual aim to reduce emissions by 5%.

Why Food?

- 35% of the Carbon Emission is caused by food and drinks.

- UK live events aims to reduce at least 30% of meat and dairy by 2030.


Our interviews with stakeholders revealed intriguing insights.

From Attendees

- They find the food at music festivals to be quite expensive.

- They don’t want to miss performances, so they prefer not to waste time in food queues.

From Vendors

- There is higher demand in sustainable choices.

- Long queues at festivals often make it challenging for vendors to prepare food efficiently.

From Organizers

-They have become more proactive about sustainability but the efforts mostly remain behind the scenes and went unnoticed by attendees.

Target Audience

From comprehensive user research, the decision was made to focus on festival attendees as the primary target audience.

How might we...

...implement climate transparency into London music festivals to boost environmental awareness and encourage sustainable food choices among attendees, leading to long-term positive behavior change?


"If we provide information about the food's impact, it will encourage festival attendees to make sustainable choices."

Service Idea

Introducing "FoodFlip," a sustainable pre-ordering food service that allows music festival attendees to enjoy their meals without the wait while contributing to a greener environment!

How it works?


Inspired by the A-B sides of a vinyl disc, we decided to present two sides of each individual's persona.

A-Side (Featured Songs)

Based on their current eating habit and how they decide what to eat in the festival.

B-Side (Secondary Songs)

Invisible impacts that people’s food choices could bring to the world.


Our project will contribute to the UK’s environmental goals by supporting the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Specifically, it aligns with the UK's target of reducing emissions by 50% by 2050. By promoting sustainable food choices at music festivals and encouraging attendees to adopt more environmentally responsible behaviors, the project helps reduce carbon footprints associated with food consumption and supports the broader goal of annual emissions reductions of 5% across various sectors, including live events.

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