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Innovative furniture incubator & match-matching service for creators and producers.

MA 2024
Furniture Innovation; Innovation Incubator; Business Service

We are a furniture incubator and match-matching service for creators and producers delivered through a designer festival format. We believe in creating inspiring furniture can give customers a more colorful and personalized lifestyle, and also give designers greater freedom to innovate. We continue to craft unique chairs through designer events. We enable customers to deeply engage with these products. We provide unique pieces of furniture to more customers with personalized needs.

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Design styles in the furniture market are highly homogeneous.

We've observed that much of the furniture on the market lacks innovation in appearance and style, resulting in a high degree of homogeneity. Our research indicates that while many brands are focusing on technology, sustainability, and materials, they are neglecting the form and innovative styling of furniture. This trend towards simplicity and conservatism is largely driven by the need to cut production and storage costs and to cater to mainstream aesthetic preferences.

We believe that creating inspiring furniture can enrich customers' lives with more color and personalization, and provide designers with greater freedom to innovate. However, the challenge remains: how can we create space for exploring new furniture styles in an industry dominated by minimalist design?

HMW statement

How might we encourage furniture style innovation by empower designers to create truly special furniture & empower buyers to explore unknown styles freely?


We are a furniture incubator and match-matching service for creators and producers delivered through a designer festival format.

We focus on Demand Creation & Engagement

  • We continue to craft unique furniture through designer events.
  • We provide unique pieces of furniture to more customers with personalized needs and exploratory choices.
  • We enable customers to deeply engage with these products.

Key Features

CREATIVITY: Inspire designers, creators, producers to create special furniture concepts.

CONNECTION: Invite practitioners like suppliers for presentation and show the process of working with designers.

NETWORKING: Invite designers and VIP buyers to cosplay strange chairs. Possibly furniture merch.

SHOWCASING: Show up our existing special furniture in the past year and latest top 5 chairs in the booths.

EXPERIENCING: Let everyone join in our events to experience the furniture, with partners such like Café brands, Bar brands.

Service experience

Journey: ideation and production of new chair styles

invite - create - select - manufacture - showcase - sell


We refined the design of our touchpoints to implement our services effectively.

we considered collaborations with stakeholders deeply to ensure the feasibility and sustainability of our services .

Also, to optimize the experience to encourage innovation., we refined and tested the our touchpoints design. The highlight of our work is the creative workshop, which has successfully facilitated the emergence of innovative furniture styles.


We want to specially thank Mr. David Eveleigh Evans, our tutor, for his invaluable guidance, resources, and insightful feedback. As previously noted, we deeply appreciate the time and expertise that all participants contributed to support our project. Additionally, we are grateful to the students, tutors, and staff at the RCA Service Design course for fostering such an excellent environment.

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