Ben Broad

MA 2024

Hi, I'm Ben 👋

Adopting a versatile human, planet & systemic approach to innovation, I use a blend of Agile, human-centred design & collaborative facilitation approaches to explore new domains, challenge existing societal narratives & deliver valuable concepts that can spark meaningful change and an intriguing conversation. 

During my academic & professional journey in the MA Service Design program at the Royal College of Art, I've been fortunate to gather experience across a variety of social impact-focused design projects covering: 

  • The strategic re-imagination of a digital wellbeing service
  • Speculative service design exploring the future of justice across The Prison & Probation Service (HMPPS)
  • Circular service design & systemic behavioural change for positive environmental impact (Service Design Challenge 2024 with IBM & ISDIN - Shortlisted Team Finalist)
  • Independent research & service design exploring transitional social care, caring relationships & reflective professional practice

My design practice is grounded in the principles of compassionate conversation, creative diplomacy and deep curiosity. Through these concepts, I seek to surface design outcomes which can balance user delight and business needs, with a nuanced understanding of wider systemic influences.

I hold a BA Hons degree in French & Philosophy, an MSc in Philosophy (Applied Ethics) and an MA in Service Design at the Royal College of Art, London. Before pursuing postgraduate education at the Royal College of Art, I also worked for several years across a variety of Agile, organisational and digital consultancy firms.

I'm now very excited to continue exploring the amazing world of design with a strong focus on public sector innovation, social care services, sustainability & innovation education. #innovateforwardstogether


If you are interested in having a chat, contact me on LinkedIn or at my email address above.

Final Project


For the nearly 84,000 children and young adults currently navigating the UK social care system (2024), quality, trusting relationships are golden threads, supporting the navigation of both past emotional trauma and the multi-layered, turbulent transition to adult independence. Yet, professional practitioners are now faced with rapidly increasing demand, insufficient time & inadequate investment resulting in the critical relationship between social care practitioners and children transitioning out of care becoming ever more fragile.  In today's age of austerity, front-line social work practitioners must ‘do more with less.’

In the context of transitional care, quality relationships are both an essential conduit to a broader network of support and a therapeutic end in themselves. Yet these relational experiences are also frequently evolving within wider organisational cultures that are still process & paperwork-centric leading to multiple hurdles in professional development, service delivery & caring practice. Thus, the importance of having not just relationally adept, reflectively attuned and confident professional practitioners but also relationally developed organisations is vital.

Service Concept - 'Karena'

Karena provides a clarifying, constructive & strategic environment where practitioners can build reflective capabilities, identify systemic constraints & consider professional development within relational practice to ultimately better support young adults leaving care. Through an adaptable pathway of organisational development and practice enhancement, Karena offers a modular, 12-month in-house training and support program that can be adapted to individuals, teams or senior strategic settings. Embedded within systemic reflective supervision structures, Karena offers a nuanced, adaptable service that interlinks a principles-based relationship prompt set, a multi-layered reflective tool and an interactive post-session strategy. This innovative combination provides a valuable platform for professionals to explore individual practice, increase confidence in navigating complex relationship influences and reduce work stress. 


Ultimately, with a long-term view towards systemic organisational change, Karena’s approach aims to ensure every young person transitioning out of statutory care has a trusted, compassionate and professional relationship at hand whenever they may need it most. 

WIP project 2022