Xinyue Wang

Final Show: 3rd - 4th February 2023
MA 2023

I’m Xinyue Wang , an interaction designer with a diverse and interdisciplinary background.

I have a keen interest in applying user-centred design, identifying the real hidden problems and developing workable, enjoyable and practical solutions.

📖Previous Degrees

BA in Jiangnan University, Jiangsu, China

Exchange in The Hongkong Polytechic University, Hongkong, China

Final Project

Easy+, A family-like assistant to help elderly people simplify their daily relationships with modern society.

We aim to break isolation to ensure that an increasingly diverse portion of our population can access services that promote long-term benefits. This will enable elderly individuals to transition from a state of independent or dependent living to one of interdependence within a thriving community.

WIP project 2022

Play is under attack. Despite being an essential part of childhood (and even adulthood), there is less Time to play, fewer play Spaces, restrictions on Freedom of play, and a decrease in Funding for play. A New Perspective on Play is a speculative design project that aims to inspire our project partners and champion the child’s perspective on play over the typical adult perspective. 

Our intervention is set in the not-so-distant future of 2032, where a fictitious Ministry of Play is formed in response to the surfacing of deep cracks in educational and social systems. 

Under the umbrella of the Ministry of Play, we explore a future where play is integrated into the daily lives of children. Here, in addition to being used as a way to explore the practical implications of their learning, play serves as a tool for children to deepen their connection to each other, their surroundings, and themselves.

