Yifan Wu

MA 2024

Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road,

Healthy, free ,the world before me,

The long brown path before me leading wherever I choose.

Final Project

POND aims to create effective analysis tools and supportive social spaces through AI sentiment analysis technology and wearable devices, providing 24/7 instantly-responsive AI sentiment accompaniment, as well as a safe, instantly-connected community for sentiment sharing for young people who are away from home with a strong desire to express themselves emotionally, but have limited emotional awareness, management methods, or lack of people to confide in.

Our goal is to help users build a holistic sense of well-being that promotes personal resilience and growth by recovering from emotional difficulties and becoming stronger and more self-assured. With the help of AI, users can improve their emotional awareness and management skills, regain a sense of security and belonging, and feel heard and understood through instant response. In this way, flourish in every part of their lives.

WIP project 2022