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Let emotions flow freely- Emotional companion and management assistant

MA 2024
ai, emotional well-being, mental health

POND aims to create effective analysis tools and supportive social spaces through AI sentiment analysis technology and wearable devices, providing 24/7 instantly-responsive AI sentiment accompaniment, as well as a safe, instantly-connected community for sentiment sharing for young people who are away from home with a strong desire to express themselves emotionally, but have limited emotional awareness, management methods, or lack of people to confide in.

Our goal is to help users build a holistic sense of well-being that promotes personal resilience and growth by recovering from emotional difficulties and becoming stronger and more self-assured. With the help of AI, users can improve their emotional awareness and management skills, regain a sense of security and belonging, and feel heard and understood through instant response. In this way, flourish in every part of their lives.

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the challenge

"I can't effectively alleviate the frequent feelings of loneliness and anxiety." "If I am in a bad mood, I don’t want to bring too much negative emotions to my friends."

The UK's highest number of international students belonged to China, with 151,690 students enrolled each year, but there appears to be growing global concern about the mental health of Chinese students. In particular, more than half of young Chinese international students tend to relieve overwhelming emotions by confiding in someone they know, rather than seeking help from student support services. However, due to limited emotional awareness, methods of management, or lack of timely responses and people to confide in, 104 out of 123 students with a strong desire to express their emotions reported that they were unable to manage their emotions effectively.

the opportunity

How might we provide analysis and tools for emotional management so that they can have better emotional cognition and management skills?

How might we provide them with an effective support system to help them regain a sense of security and belonging?

How might we provide them with more immediate, empathetic and safer forms of response so that they can meet their needs to express themselves, and feel heard/understood/responded to?

3 main potential features

1.Digital Emotional Tools: Identifying, recording, and analyzing emotions, as well as regularly reviewing past emotions to gain insights and improve emotional well-being.

2.Emotional Community: For secure and instant emotion sharing, where students feel a strong sense of belonging, connectedness, and mutual support, no matter how far they are from home.

3.24/7 AI emotional companionship: With more immediate and effective response, this round-the-clock access provides a reliable source of comfort and guidance, helping young individuals manage emotional challenges and daily stressors.


exploration space

Flexible Mood Recording: Users can select a certain time of the night for mood recording reminders.

Privacy Protection: Artificial intelligence mechanisms obscure personal information to ensure privacy.

Community Support: The app promotes positive interactions by recommending emotion sharing to users with similar experiences.

Moderation: Malicious comments are blocked to maintain a positive community atmosphere.

AI Communication: AI-initiated conversations aim to make users feel more understood, with suggestions being more likely to be accepted.

Dependency Management: AI encourages users to focus on real life and periodically stops activity to prevent over-dependency.

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