Covid-19 has shaped grocery retail & research findings
Firstly we did some research on the trends that come with Covid-19. There are new rules in supermarkets to keep people 2 meters away from each other. Meanwhile, self-checkout and “scan as you go” have been more common to limit physical interaction between customers and staff. Senior customers prefer physical stores to online shopping, but they feel anxious because they are easy to get infected.
Secondly, to gain a deep understanding of senior customers, we interviewed 10+ seniors and their children; we also live together with the elderly to observe their real life, acquiring interesting findings through our research.
1. The conversation between the elderly and their friends or children begins with food.
2. The elderly are willing to try new things shared by relatives and friends. Their leaning is based on a hierarchy of skills.
3. Seniors prefer getting information from conversations. They trust the content derived from the conversation more.